Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Using Apple Cider Vinegar for Health

Have to ever tried Apple Cider Vinegar?  By itself?  It's probably not the most pleasant thing to drink but I know that it's good for me.  Apple cider vinegar is one of the main ingredients in my Apple Cider Viniagrette which is my absolute favorite salad dressing EVER!

When I say that I "drink" it, I mean 1-2 tablespoons at a time.  I don't just pour myself a glass.  Why do I do that?

Apple cider vinegar contains vitamins and minerals such as beta-carotene, pectin and vital minerals such as potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorous, chlorine, sulfur, iron, and fluorine.
It aides in weight loss!  From Livestrong: By helping balance blood sugar levels, apple cider vinegar also assists in weight loss, since insulin will not direct sugar to be stored as fat, says nutritionist Dr. Carol Johnston of the Arizona State University East.

Apple Cinder Vinegar is also an antioxidant since it contains the above vitamins and minerals.

I have read that Apple cider vinegar can be used as a facial toner, dandruff rinse and as a nightime drink to relieve muscle cramps.  I have never used it for these reasons but I'll have to remember this for the future.

In ancient Greece, around 400 BC, Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, prescribed apple cider vinegar mixed with honey for a variety of ills, including coughs and colds.

A University of Arizona study reported in the Diabetes Care Journal in 2004, showed that type 2 diabetes patients who took a cocktail consisting of one or two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and one to two teaspoons of raw honey and a glass of distilled water at bed time lowered their waking glucose levels by up to 6 percent.

How do you consume Apple Cider Vinegar?
-My favorite is Detox Salad dressing (Apple Cider Viniagrette)
-Add 1-2 tablespoons in water or juice 
-Apple Cider Vinegar Tea

Next time I'll share of few more recipes for Apple Cider Vinegar.  

I'm Partying over HERE, LHITS , Farmgirl Friday and The Self Sufficient HomeAcre. Wildcrafting Wednesday


  1. Vinegar is one food I simply cannot force down. But, I do give it to my chickens in their water. It helps them regulate their body temperature and fights against intestinal parasites, both things that can easily kill a chicken very quickly.

  2. Hi Mary,
    Apple cider vinegar is truly a wonderful fermented juice that has so many health benefits. Pinned & twitted. Looking forward to seeing more of your apple cider recipes.


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