Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Gourd-O-Lantern GIVEAWAY

We have a homegrown, handmade giveaway for you today!!!!!

Today I'm excited to announce another fantastic giveaway sponsored by Angie @ God's Growing Garden.   We have 2 beautiful items for this Giveaway

1.  "Gourd-o-lantern" by Angie Ouellette-Tower

The gourd was grown in my garden and the artwork/painting is my original design - I painted it to look like a pumpkin Jack-o-lantern

2.  "Gourd-o-lantern Resin Earrings"
I took pictures of my Halloween gourd creations and then made them into resin earrings - they dangle with the charm of the fall season! This picture is of a cute "Frankenstein" gourd which I painted green to look like an authentic Frankenstein Monster

From first frost to all Hallows Eve the Gourd-o-lanterns are a welcome guest to any house harvest time.

How to use:
NEVER put a candle inside!  ONLY use low voltage lights –eg. Christmas tree light strand (bunched up and placed inside), night-light etc.
NEVER leave light plugged in/turned on while unattended

The value of the Gourd-o-lantern gourd is $30 and the value of the earrings is $10
Total prize value - $40
This giveaway is open to residents in "the Lower 48 US"

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